Doctor Team

Chengdu Rheumatism Hospital actively promotes talent flow inside and outside hospital, enhances medical resources exchange with domestic hospitals, brings together domestic representative scholars in rheumatology research, including chief physicians like Zhang Zheng, Du Aihua, Chen Jianchun, Meng Xingwen, Ren Jinbo,Wu Keguang and Feng Yujun, who is the academic leader. We insist on employing clinical physicians with high qualification, carry out multidisciplinary joint consultation, take the responsibility of clinical medical care of rheumatism cases, and build up a professional medical team that is versed in rheumatism clinical diagnosis and treatment according to stage, category, grade and type.

Our hospital regards talent team construction as the fundamental of the development strategy of ¡°prospering hospital by sciences and education, strengthen hospital by talents¡±, adheres to the people-oriented principle, properly settles current talents, retains key talents, and introduces outstanding talents. The echeloned talent construction is the decisive factors to promote hospital¡¯s comprehensive strength, which is related to hospital¡¯s substantial development.

Guiding Ideology:

Our hospital takes scientific development concept as our guide, takes enhancing high-level talent team construction as our target, insists on the guideline of paying equal attention to both of introduction and cultivation, and of the interaction between talent construction and discipline construction; we designedly introduce several high-level young and middle-aged technical backbone and academic leader, build a high-level human resource cultivation mode of ¡°introduction for teaching and sending out for further education¡±, to provide intellectual support for consolidating, developing and promoting hospital¡¯s each discipline advantage, and for overall development of hospital¡¯s health care.

The Target of Talent Team Construction:

Our hospital¡¯s 12th Five-Year Development Plan has set the development target of hospital talent team, that is, to build a professional technical talent team with both professional excellence and moral integrity as well as competency and efficiency, to make our professional technical team¡¯s structure of age, education background and professional title more reasonable. According to the new Five-Year Plan, we plan to build a team with 10,000 medical care personnel.

Make Reasonable Talent Cultivation Plans:

Under the development mentality of ¡°equipping our specialized hospital with special sections and personnel with technical expertise¡±, we work out the short, medium and long term talent cultivation plans that combine section declaration and overall planning, to build a talent team that is conducive to the hospital¡¯s development.

¡°It takes ten years to establish a hospital but a hundred years to cultivate talents¡±. We can get the hardware like fundamental facilities and medical equipment renewed in a short term, while the intrinsic culture concerning hospital¡¯s development, especially the talent team construction is a systematic, complicated and long-term work that needs joint efforts from all of our medical staff. In enhancing the talent team construction, we take the scientific development concept as the instruction, pursue people-oriented harmonious development, accelerate talent instruction and cultivation to build a highly qualified talent team, strive to create a good environment that attracts, foster and make effective use of talents, to realize better and faster sustainable development of talents and the hospital.

Contact Us

Operating Time£º08:30-17:30 (open on holidays)

Address£ºNo.121, West Sec. 2, Second Ring Road

Qingyang, District, Chengdu


Telephone£º+028-85530572 / 028-87852211 / 028-87852200

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ICP Record No.:´¨ICP±¸15022710ºÅ-1ºÅ